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The power of collaborative learning

Have you ever considered enrolling your teen onto a small group class? Here follows a summary of why working in a small group can make a very BIG impact on your child’s GCSE English success.

Advantages of small group learning

  • 🎓 Better Grades, Enjoyable Learning: Students often achieve better academic results through cooperative learning, as they engage in active discussions and collaborative problem-solving. Lively discussions also make learning a more engaging and enjoyable experience.
  • 🤝 Life Skills Bonus: Cooperative learning fosters teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills, helping students work effectively in groups. These are important skills to learn for future employment, as well as for exam success.
  • 💪 Motivation Boost: Working together fuels motivation. Students feel a sense of responsibility for the group’s success, creating a supportive environment that pushes everyone to give their best.
  • 🌍 Embracing Diversity: Small groups teach teens to appreciate diverse perspectives. This skill isn’t just handy for interpreting English novels but also prepares them for a world that thrives on understanding different viewpoints.
  • 🤔 Mastering Critical Thinking: Cooperative learning isn’t just about finding answers; it’s about exploring different viewpoints and solutions. It’s a recipe for nurturing critical thinking skills in your teen.

The Science behind the Success

Collaborative learning, or ‘working together to achieve a common goal’ is one of the oldest fields in social psychology, dating back to the late 1800. Over 750 studies, spanning diverse contexts, endorse the effectiveness of cooperative learning. Forward-thinking educators now argue that this collaborative approach is the future of learning, moving beyond traditional teaching methods.

However, managing small group courses is an art. Creating the right conditions is key to ensuring the group gets results:

Conditions for Success:

🤝 Positive Interdependence: Shared goals and the belief that everyone’s success is intertwined create a commitment to mutual success. My meticulous course planning ensures that goals are truly collective. Careful selection of group members ensures compatibility in motivation and grades.

👥 Accountability Matters: My small groups allow close monitoring. Each student is held accountable, ensuring that everyone contributes. This fosters confidence and growth in individual abilities.

🤗 Encouragement is Key: Promoting interaction involves encouraging and praising each other’s efforts. The group bonding exercises that I introduce make sure the environment is supportive.

🤔 Evaluating Progress: Our discussions about progress towards goals lead to decisions about new study approaches. It’s a dynamic process that keeps my students actively engaged in their learning journey.

Beyond Exams:

Small group courses aren’t just an alternative; they’ve been proven to offer a richer, more motivating learning experience. They shape well-rounded individuals who are not only prepared for GCSE English but are also equipped for social success.

In a Nutshell:

Small group courses aren’t just about knowledge acquisition. They’re about creating an environment that fosters collaboration, healthy competition, and individual success. This blend is what colleges and employers are increasingly looking for – a ‘well-rounded’ student.

If you’re curious about how my small group courses work, feel free to get in touch. Let’s explore the collaborative journey to success together!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help your child to succeed in their English GCSEs.

1. Book a free customised learning session

Thinking about working with a fully qualified, experienced teacher, who can help your child to map out a path to success in their English GCSEs?


2. Sign up for your child to work with me closely in my 12 week ‘Advance your English language’ programme.

If you’d like your child to work directly with me to improve their English language skills and to receive plenty of personalized feedback along the way, to help them to transform their predicted grades, you can enrol your child on the course HERE. This is for child if they:

  • Are not getting the feedback they need on their English work.
  • Are serious and motivated to do extra work every week to get them the grades that you know they can achieve.

p.s. if you’re wondering how the ‘Advance your English language programme works, check out this video where I share the structure I use: CLICK HERE >> Advance your English language programme

3. Express your interest in my six week ‘Master English Essays’ course.

If you’d like your child to work directly with me to improve their English essay writing skills and to receive plenty of personalized feedback along the way, to help them to transform their predicted grades, just reply to this message with the words ‘Tell me more’ and I’ll send you some information on a PDF. This course is for child if they:

  • Are not getting the feedback they need on their English work.
  • Don’t know how to structure their English essays, or which ingredients they need to include in order to improve their grades.
  • Are serious and motivated to do extra work every week to get them the grades that you know they can achieve.
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