Why your child needs an English literature essay writing course
You’d think that at school, a student would learn to write a decent English literature essay, wouldn’t you? And you’d be right … to
You’d think that at school, a student would learn to write a decent English literature essay, wouldn’t you? And you’d be right … to
Rather helpfully, exam boards release examiner reports every year, detailing the features of student responses that gained top marks. The following comments have been lifted
We’ve all been there. A teacher has explained something in detail in class. They’ve asked us questions; we’ve made notes and they’ve set us homework.
In the classroom, there is one activity that is guaranteed to result in a drop in energy and motivation levels: It is known in some
It is common for parents to worry about their teenagers’ handwriting. If the handwriting is messy, parents are concerned that the teacher will award a
Imagine the scene: you have spent an hour unpicking the language and structure of two long, dense texts to hurriedly write analytical responses to four
As you’ll have gathered from my previous posts, I’m all for slow writing. It makes for thoughtfully-composed narratives and descriptions. However, when all is said and