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Why isn’t one-to-one tuition the best model for teenagers?

I often receive enquiries from parents who are convinced that one-to-one lessons are what their child needs. Common objections include: ‘Isn’t one-to-one better value?’, ‘Isn’t one-to-one more personalised for my child?’, ‘Surely one-to-one is the superior choice?’

If you’ve ever struggled to see the advantages of group courses, then this post is for you. I’m here to dispel the perception that one-to-one lessons are superior, and to shed light on the true potential of group tuition.

Let’s be clear – not all group programmes are created equal. I understand that some may conjure images of generic Zoom sessions with a multitude of kids, which can understandably raise concerns.

However, when meticulously crafted and effectively communicated by a qualified teacher who is used to ensuring that the thirty students in her class make progress, small group programmes can be a game-changer.

So, let’s dive into 6 of the most common myths and FAQs about one-to-one lessons.

Q: Isn’t one-to-one tuition more personalised?

A: While one-to-one tuition can provide individual attention, it can also lead to an over-reliance on the weekly meetings with the tutor and, ultimately, slow progress. Group tuition, when structured well, is built with 3 core pillars:

1 – Self-study. Students can access a pre-recorded curriculum, in the form of video content, meaning valuable face-to-face lesson time isn’t wasted on lengthy explanations, and is more productive.

2 – One to one feedback. Students can reach out to their tutor between lessons if they don’t understand something, and tutors give personalised feedback using efficient tools such as screen recording and voice notes, so that they can continue to progress between lessons.

2 – Group learning. Students can share their perspectives on the learning and go deeper with their tutor, meaning progress is made faster.

1:1 tuition, on the other hand, lacks these elements and all the focus on teaching key knowledge and skills is in the allocated lesson time, which can be inefficient and stressful (see below).

Q: My child is already resistant to having a tutor. Won’t a group setting make it worse?

A: In fact, the reverse can often be true. The intense focus required for 1:1 tuition can be stressful for both the tutor and the student. Additionally, the gap between lessons is typically quite long, which can result in poor retention of information and a loss of learning efficiency.

Q: Why is group learning better for children?

A: Children (and even adults) often thrive when they are among their peers, as they can relate to and learn from each other. Group learning fosters interaction, collaboration, and socialisation. It also allows for more opportunities to engage in enjoyable activities and switching things up with games and breakout rooms, which have been proven to facilitate learning.

The pre-recorded element of the course allows students to watch and re-watch input, so that they can clarify any points they weren’t sure of and retrieve knowledge more frequently, meaning that they are more likely to remember it.

Q: How does group learning work?

A: My courses are designed to combine group learning with individualised attention. Students access video lessons weekly, taking ownership of their learning and preparing for the group sessions. I also provide a direct line of communication between the myself and the student, checking on their progress regularly, sending them reminders, encouraging them to reach out with questions and submit work for review.

This way, progress can be made both individually and as part of the group learning experience. The result is that much more progress is made week on week when compared to the one to one tuition where progress can be much slower.

Q: Is one-to-one tuition better value than a group programme?

A: It’s a common misconception that one-to-one tuition offers better value than a group programme. In reality, one-to-one tuition fees can range from £30 to £50 per hour or even more, depending on the specialisation.

If you consider having these sessions every week for an indefinite period, which could be as long as an entire academic year or more, it can add up to £2000 or even more.

This doesn’t include travel expenses for face-to-face sessions, nor the hidden costs of lack of retention between sessions. On the other hand, a well-crafted group programme with a specialised teacher like myself typically ranges from £450 to £750, offering not only cost savings but also saving time.

In just 12 weeks or less, children can overcome their challenges and get back to excelling in their studies while regaining time for their hobbies and social activities.

Q: Isn’t face-to-face learning better than online learning?

A: While face-to-face learning may have some benefits of physical presence, the advantages of online learning outweigh the drawbacks. Firstly, as a parent, you eliminate the need for driving time and fuel costs by opting for online learning.

Your child can comfortably have their lessons at home, and you can even be in the same room or nearby, ensuring they are engaged and supported throughout. Moreover, online learning offers flexibility in scheduling and removes geographical barriers.

It also provides access to a wider pool of expert tutors, expanding the options available to your child. Don’t worry, the online format doesn’t compromise the quality of education or support your child receives.

Many parents and their teenagers have not experienced a well-crafted group programme. I hope that this post has convinced you that small group courses are not only the best and most fun option for your child, but also the most efficient and cost-effective one in the long run.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help your child to succeed in their English GCSEs.

1. Book a free customised learning session

Thinking about working with a fully qualified, experienced teacher, who can help your child to map out a path to success in their English GCSEs?


2. Sign up for your child to work with me closely in my 12 week ‘Advance your English language’ programme.

If you’d like your child to work directly with me to improve their English language skills and to receive plenty of personalized feedback along the way, to help them to transform their predicted grades, you can enrol your child on the course ​HERE. ​This is for child if they:

  • Are not getting the feedback they need on their English work.
  • Are serious and motivated to do extra work every week to get them the grades that you know they can achieve.

p.s. if you’re wondering how the ‘Advance your English language programme works, check out this video where I share the structure I use:​ CLICK HERE >> Advance your English language programme

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